Our voice is tied to the words that we use to express our brand, but it's more about how we say something than what we say. It's reflected in the attitude, cadence and style of our written communications. 的声音 can be compared to a music group's overall sound. When you hear a song, you can identify the band based on its distinctive sound.

在一个&M-Commerce, our brand voice should reflect the university's 品牌个性. Brand personality refers to how our brand is personified with a set of human traits and characteristics. We have adopted a “hero” personality, which means we are brave, confident, strong and supportive. We also identify as “average Joes” who are friendly and helpful. Our brand voice should reflect these personality traits.

Personality Keywords that Influence Tone

When you write university-branded materials, consider the following words that reflect our brand’s personality. Doing so will help you adopt a tone that accurately reflects our university’s brand.

  • 确定: persistent, relentless, unwavering
  • 英雄: self-sacrificing, bold, protective
  • 勇敢的: courageous, selfless, fearless
  • 自信当然,果断,乐观
  • 骄傲: independent, dignified, uplifting
  • 驱动: ambitious, goal-oriented, motivated
  • 有竞争力的: achiever, self-controlled, prepared
  • STRONG有力的,坚韧的,坚固的
  • 支持: invested, compassionate, encouraging
  • 有纪律的: educated, self-controlled, prepared
  • 集中: undistracted, dedicated, alert
  • 雄心勃勃的有抱负,有追求,有希望


While our writing needs to inform, 协助和指导我们的读者, it serves an even greater purpose: to inspire and empower them. When people read our content, we want them to feel moved. We want to spark an emotion inside them that leads to action.

When you’re writing, refrain from:






incorporate emotive words in your writing when appropriate

plug in applicable data to support your statements

provide tangible resources for readers



While an expansive vocabulary is a great quality, try to rein in complex words that make your writing seem unnatural and non-conversational.

我们将赞美Dr. Smith at next week’s commemorative ceremony for his allegiance to higher education.

我们将纪念. Smith at next week’s ceremony for his dedication to higher education.

观众是“你”.” A&移动商务就是“我们”.” If you are publishing content on behalf of the university, refer to yourself as “we” instead of “I.例如:, you might be the only person physically writing the material at hand, 但我们, 作为一所大学, 站在你的信息后面.


Students are encouraged to join our pride.


Your audience may be new to the university experience or may not be experts in your field. Phrase the information so that it is relatable and understandable.

To prepare for her teaching career, Jane studied TEKS.

To prepare for her teaching career, Jane studied the state’s standards for public education, 被称为TEKS.

In active voice, the subject performs the action stated by the verb. This results in a sentence that is more interesting and succinct.

The play was enjoyed by the guests.


Sometimes, lots of words can muddle the message you are trying to send. Use a “less is more” approach to clearly state your points.

If you arrive early before the performance is due to start, feel free to relax and enjoy the lakeside pavilion for a while before the performance begins at 9 p.m.

If you arrive early, feel free to relax in the lakeside pavilion until the performance begins at 9 p.m.

Don't write as casually as you would if you were texting a close friend, but do speak in a friendly and conversational way to your intended audience. Use correct grammar, yet sound approachable, friendly and down to earth.

If you are interested in attending 皇冠体育365赌博&M University-Commerce, please attend a campus tour.

我们希望你加入我们的队伍! Schedule an online tour and discover 狮子 life. 我们很快会见到你.

Heavy blocks of text can be overwhelming, hard to read and intimidating. Keep your audience engaged by using bullets and subheads for easy scanning.

To register for the event, please go to 108g.net, 点击注册页面, 打开表单, 填写所有必填字段, then send your completed form to Jane Smith. To complete the registration form, you need your personal information, 两种形式的联系方式, an emergency contact and your t-shirt size.

  • 去108g.net
  • 点击注册页面
  • 填写表格
  • Send the completed form to Jane Smith
  • 个人信息
  • 两种形式的联系方式
  • 紧急联系人
  • 你的t恤尺寸





  • 宾尼恩大厅,140号
  • 1500教育驱动
  • 商务,德克萨斯州75428

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